Here is some basic information to help get you started. You may have questions in addition to what we have laid out, but please educate yourself on the City of Honolulu and UH-Manoa’s campus map.
The most up to date schedule is on our website and can be found here. Importantly, registration is open from 12 – 5 on Thursday, September 28th, located in the UH-Manoa Art Building, Commons Gallery. It’s very important to check in during these hours. There, you will receive the conference booklet, tote bag, and badge. Please wear the badge at all times. It is your ID card to get into the conference.
After registration, please find your way to the Gallery Walk with Yasuyuki Sato and Hayato Fujioka from 3:00 – 4:00. Then immediately following, there is a Gallery Walk with Ralph Kiggell and Hiroki Morinoue from 4:00 – 5:00. There will be a soft opening right after the Walk, open to the public put on by UH Manoa. At 6:00pm please join us for the Opening Reception at the East-West Center at the Wailana Garden Dining Room where there will be catered food and light refreshments. Then it’s a good nights sleep and be ready for our first keynote speaker, Mayumi Oda, Friday morning at 9am!
A local taxi cab service or Uber are easy ways to get between UH-Manoa Campus and the Honolulu International Airport. There is also a reliable bus system and more information found here.
Wear good shoes for walking between campus buildings and sun protection against the hot Hawaiian sun.
For those of you who have not paid for catered lunch during the conference, there are plenty of food options on campus that you can walk to and purchase lunch during breaks. More information found here.
If you have prints in the Juried Exhibition, it is very important to pick-up your prints from the Gallery between 5 – 6pm on Sunday, Oct. 1. If you are donating 100% to the IMC organization, thank you very much and you may skip this and move to the Closing Reception.
In case you need money exchange coming from another country, be sure to do that at the Honolulu International Airport, unless you know that you could do it from any ATM machine near by.
In addition, it’s a good idea to protect against unexpected travel emergencies with traveler’s insurance.
Looking forward to seeing you all!
IMC Board and Local Committee