5. Aloha and E Komo Mai

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“Aloha” is a special Hawaiian greeting and “e komo mai” means welcome. Hello and welcome to the 2017 Third International Mokuhanga Conference.
Hawaii became the 50th state of the United States in 1959, but Japan and Hawaii’s relation goes farther back, to the period between 1844 and 1925 when Hawaii was still a kingdom. At that time many Japanese arrived in Hawaii under the Kanyaku Imin (Simplified Immigration) treaty as immigrants. Understanding this background history should help explain why Hawaii may feel familiar to Japanese visitors.
By hosting this International Mokuhanga Conference in Hawaii where people from many countries coexist, we hope the conference will help build bridges between generations, cultures, and traditions; that it will provide an opportunity to deepen friendships across cultures.
The conference will take place on the island of O’ahu in Hawaii, the Aloha State. We hope that by visiting you will learn the deeper meaning of Aloha, a greeting that means goodbye as well as hello, and is also a wish of peace and compassion. We hope you will experience its weight and depth by being on the islands. We hope that you will take the ”Spirit of Aloha” and many fine memories home with you.

By hosting the conference in Hawaii, we plan to raise awareness about mokuhanga among the participants with the theme “Beauty of Mokuhanga: Discipline & Sensibility.” Through mokuhanga printmaking, we hope to build bridges that will sustain a revitalization of art and craft, and promote world peace through cross-cultural understanding within our global community.
We welcome all of you to participate in the conference where we will share meaningful and valuable experiences at the Third International Mokuhanga Conference, Hawaii.

Hiroki & Setsuko Morinoue
Hawaii Local Committee Chair & Vice Chair



”アロハ”は特別なハワイの挨拶であり、”エ コモ マイ”は歓迎、ようこそと言う意を表します。 こんにちは、2017年第3回国際木版画会議ハワイへようこそ。

ハワイは1959年に米国50州目の州となりましたが、日本はハワイがまだ王朝であった時代の1844年より1925年の間 “簡約移民” の条約の下で数多くの日本人がハワイに移民した事はご承知の事と思います。ハワイが如何に日本人の方には親しみを感じさせるかはこの歴史的背景の中ではごく自然な理由かとも思います。


ヒロキ & セツコ モリノウエ
ハワイローカル実行委員会 会長/副会長

4: Greetings from the Chair of the 2015-2017 International Board of the International Mokuhanga Conference

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On September 28th 2017, IMC will launch its meeting for the first time beyond the Japanese archipelago fittingly to that of another, the Hawaiian Islands. An eminent and longstanding base for Japanese and other artists who reflect both the diversity of Hawaii’s indigenous and hybrid cultures and its international presence, Hawaii represents a natural segue beyond Japan’s borders.

Refreshing new themes will zero in on Hawaii and the Pacific Islands’ unique printworlds in addition to more pragmatic, real-world topics such as print artists and the art market.
The conference has matured further to organize a series of Roundtable Discussions focused on concerns that have surfaced among mokuhanga practitioners, including but not limited to mokuhanga as an environmental practice; international artist exchanges and artist-in-residency programs for mokuhanga as a means to foster global art networks; and new approaches to supporting artisans and mobilizing their expertise.

Inland from the western coastal city of Kailua-Kona, the center of the Big Island’s lively “Kona side,” is the town of Holualoa, the site of Donkey Mill Art Center. With the warmth and spirit of Hawaiian life that the expression “aloha” invokes, well-respected mokuhanga artist, the Artistic Director of the Mill, Hiroki Morinoue together with Setsuko Morinoue, a Co-Founder & Director Emeritus of the Mill, and the IMC2017 Hawaii’s main coordinator will host an invigorating Satellite Program at Donkey Mill.

Japanese-style water-based woodblock printmaking is increasingly attracting new converts for its enormous range of appeal and possibility. Like anime and manga as well as the host of other Japanese creative mediums that have been transformed after going global, the Japanese expression mokuhanga has begun to acquire a special currency across world languages and cultures and already has accumulated new and expanded meanings along the way. Come to Hawaii to witness how international artists are pushing the boundaries of mokuhanga and how your own artistic vision and print works are a part of this trend.

Claire Cuccio, PhD
IMC 2015-17 Board Chair



2017年9月28日、国際木版画会議は日本列島を越え、海外へと場所を移し、ハワイ諸島で開催することが決定しました。ハワイの多様で独特なハイブリッド文化を受け継ぐ日系の、そしてまた多くの国際的アーティストたちが長きにわたって活動の中心地としてきたハワイが、日本国外における初の国際会議の拠点となることは自然のなりゆきでしょう。 木版画家の現在の立場やアートマーケットといった有意義なテーマに加え、今回はハワイと太平洋諸島のユニークなprintworldに焦点を合わせた新たなテーマを取り上げます。。
第一会場となるハワイ大学マノア校では、以前の会議のイベントも含めて木版画世界に関する問題点、世界的な芸術ネットワークを育成するための手段としての国際交流、芸術家居住(AIR) プログラム、又木版画芸術に携わる 職人を支援し、専門知識を動員するための新しいアプローチなどについてのラウンド・テーブル形式の討論も新たに加える計画です。

そして風光明媚な大自然の中へと場所を移します。「ビッグアイランド」として知られたハワイ島のコナ側にあるドンキーミルアートセンターが第二会場です。「アロハ」に込められたハワイ生活の暖かさと精神の価値観を基盤にして、 優れた木版画家ヒロキ•守野上氏とドンキーミルアートセンターの名誉会長、今回の国際会議の地元メインイベント コーディネーター守野上節子氏の指導の下、友好的なプログラムが用意されます。

グローバル化した世界では日本のアニメやマンガなどの創造媒体だけでなく、 木版画も言語や文化を超えて世界中に拡がってきました。そうした可能性のある媒体であることを木版画はすでに証明してきています。日本伝統木版画の自然美と可能性に満ちた世界に魅了されるアーティストはますます増えてきています。現代アーティストの作品と芸術がどのように伝統木版画の限界に挑戦してきたか、またご自分の文化芸術ビジョンがこのグローバル化傾向の一部としてどのような位置づけにあるのか、どのような意味を持つのか、IMC2017ハワイで探りましょう。

Claire Cuccio
クレア • クッチオ

3: IMC2017 HAWAII Introduction

horsehair printing brushes

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The Third International Mokuhanga Conference will be held in Hawaii, U.S., in the fall of 2017. The first conference was held in Japan in 2011 with an attendance of 80 and the second, also in Japan, had an attendance of 110. This is the first meeting held outside Japan. It is expected to attract even more mokuhanga printmakers and also participants from businesses related to mokuhanga printmaking.Interest in water-based woodcut printmaking technique is spreading rapidly overseas, but international exchanges that include Japanese artists who use water-based woodcut are not as active. For artists working outside Japan, finding a reliable supply of washi (Japanese handmade paper), and mokuhanga cutting and printing tools remains a significant issue.

This conference will be an opportunity for artists and researchers to present papers and participate in public exhibitions. The conference will include a showcase of tools and materials, connecting Japanese producers to purchasers. Overseas artists are very interested in gaining information about Japanese paper and tools. In order to promote a stable supply of materials and tools to overseas artists, the conference will make possible face-to-face dialogue between producers and overseas users.

In order to promote the growing international interest in Japanese water-based woodcut, we will publish the conference proceedings of the Third International Mokuhanga Conference.

Yasuyuki Sato, Director
International Mokuhanga Conference Head Office


mokuhanga exhibition IMC2014

国際木版画会議2017 ハワイへ向けて



この会議は、アーティストや研究者が論文を発表し、公募展などに参加する機会になります。 この会議では、日本の生産者と購買者をつなぐツールや材料のショーケースも含まれてます。 海外のアーティストは、日本の紙や道具に関する情報を得ることに非常に関心がありますので、水性木版画に関する全ての素材や道具の安定供給を促進する為にも、生産者と海外ユーザーとの個人的直接対話を通して面識、友好関係を築いていただける良い機会かと思います。


事務局長 佐藤 靖之

2: IMC2017 Hawaii: The Bridgemakers

Claire Cuccio, Hiroki Morinoue and Miho Morinoue at IMC2014

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IMC 2014 Tokyo was held at the Tokyo University of the Arts with the Satellite events held at the 3331 Arts Chiyoda complex. It was a very rich experience and a celebration of art and culture that seems to have happened just yesterday.
During the conference, we exchanged some thoughts about holding the next IMC abroad to benefit many Japanese interests. Holding the conference outside Japan would offer Japanese craftsmen and young Japanese printmakers an opportunity to see how Japanese mokuhanga is used in the West, and to see Western views of Mokuhanga and its future possibilities. This is the only way to bring such an awareness to them, and to interest them in the rich learning experiences and development made possible by international exchanges and networking with Artist-in-Residence Programs. It will help strengthen the relationship among all the interests and beyond and sustain the lives of printmakers and craftsmen.


printing demonstration IMC2014

この会議中、次のIMCを海外で開催することが如何に多くの日本の木版画界の活性化に役立つ事か考慮した上で、いくつかの考えを交換しました。 この会議を日本国外で開催する事は、日本の職人や若手の版画家に、日本の木版画が西洋でどのように使われているか、木版画の西洋的景観とその将来の可能性を自ら見聞して頂きたく機会を設ける事になりました。こうした唯一の考え、意識の下で、国際交流やアーティストーインーレジデンスのプログラムなどのネットワークにより可能となった豊かな学習体験、研究、開発に関心を持つ事は必然的です。 それは、全ての木版画関係者、それ以外に興味ある人達の利害関係を強化し、版画家や職人の日常生活を支え維持する為に役立つ事と思います。

1: IMC2014 Tokyo

the final banquet IMC2014

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At the 2014 IMC Hiroki and Setsuko Morinoue discussed the possibility of hosting the next conference in Hawaii, since that location offers good support for Japanese artists and craftspeople who may have have language and cultural barriers to face during the first trip outside Japan.
We approached Prof. Charles Cohen at the University Hawaii Manoa and the Honolulu Printmakers’ Executive Director Duncan Dempster to support the Conference as Site Co-Chairs on the island of Oahu, since this event will be hosted by IMC2017 Hawaii Local Committee under the Donkey Mill Art Center, on the island of Hawaii, “the Big Island.”
The key players on Oahu and Hawaii as well as many dedicated individuals are lining up as we move forward. We are very excited to collaborate and willing to work hard to make this event a success and to celebrate across the state.

Hiroki and Setsuko Morinoue with April Vollmer and John Yamaguchi at IMC 2014


国際木版画会議2014でヒロキとセツコ・モリノウエは次回の会議の主催地をハワイとした場合の可能性について話し合いを重ねました。ハワイが初めて日本国外へ旅行をする版画家、職人達にとって、言語と文化の障壁がある事を良好に受けとめ支援出来る最適な場所と考えました。この本会議がホノルルで開催する事で、地元実行委員会は、本部をハワイ島の財団法人ドンキーミル アート センター内に特別所属する事で承諾し、ハワイ大学のチャールズ・コーエン教授、財団法人ホノルル プリントメーカーの事務局長ダンカンデンプスターに連絡を取りホノルル現地の副実行委員長を分け持って, 合同協力をお願いしました。
オアフとハワイのキープレーヤーと多くの献身的な人達が、この祭典の為にボランティアとして協力する為に名乗り出ています。 地元実行委員会は、会員全てが、このイベントを州全体で木版画を通し芸術文化の祭典になり、成功をもたらす様懸命に働くことに非常な熱意を燃やしています。