ニュース ↓
The Third International Mokuhanga Conference will be held in Hawaii, U.S., in the fall of 2017. The first conference was held in Japan in 2011 with an attendance of 80 and the second, also in Japan, had an attendance of 110. This is the first meeting held outside Japan. It is expected to attract even more mokuhanga printmakers and also participants from businesses related to mokuhanga printmaking.Interest in water-based woodcut printmaking technique is spreading rapidly overseas, but international exchanges that include Japanese artists who use water-based woodcut are not as active. For artists working outside Japan, finding a reliable supply of washi (Japanese handmade paper), and mokuhanga cutting and printing tools remains a significant issue.
This conference will be an opportunity for artists and researchers to present papers and participate in public exhibitions. The conference will include a showcase of tools and materials, connecting Japanese producers to purchasers. Overseas artists are very interested in gaining information about Japanese paper and tools. In order to promote a stable supply of materials and tools to overseas artists, the conference will make possible face-to-face dialogue between producers and overseas users.
In order to promote the growing international interest in Japanese water-based woodcut, we will publish the conference proceedings of the Third International Mokuhanga Conference.
Yasuyuki Sato, Director
International Mokuhanga Conference Head Office

国際木版画会議2017 ハワイへ向けて
この会議は、アーティストや研究者が論文を発表し、公募展などに参加する機会になります。 この会議では、日本の生産者と購買者をつなぐツールや材料のショーケースも含まれてます。 海外のアーティストは、日本の紙や道具に関する情報を得ることに非常に関心がありますので、水性木版画に関する全ての素材や道具の安定供給を促進する為にも、生産者と海外ユーザーとの個人的直接対話を通して面識、友好関係を築いていただける良い機会かと思います。
事務局長 佐藤 靖之