ニュース ↓
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Keiko Kadota on January 10, 2017. She was a great friend and important mentor to many artists within and outside Japan, promoting international understanding through her many projects. As the Director of the Nagasawa Art Park (NAP) residency mokuhanga training program (1997-2011) and its successor the Mokuhanga Innovation Laboratory (MI-LAB) her work has been of special importance in advancing an understanding of mokuhanga, Japanese woodcut, as a creative practice internationally. The network of strong friendships she fostered has resulted in many mokuhanga exhibitions, classes, conferences, presentations and other events in all parts of the world. She was also a supporter of related craft traditions and had a deep understanding and appreciation for washi, Japanese handmade paper. In addition to her work as Director of two Japanese residencies, she initiated the tri-annual International Mokuhanga Conferences. The third of these conferences, IMC2017, will be held in Hawaii September 28 to October 1, 2017. The MI-LAB program will continue to accept applications for residencies, and the Tokyo CfSHE office will continue to offer classes and exhibitions related to mokuhanga. The passion and dedication of Keiko Kadota will be deeply missed, but her programs will continue her legacy of promoting international understanding and cooperation through mokuhanga.
In celebration of her accomplishments, MI-LAB is preparing an exhibition for June 2017 in Cyprus, which has been designated by the EU as European Capital of Culture for the year. It concerns the history of MI-LAB and NAP between 1997 and 2017 with an overview of the development of mokuhanga internationally. As a part of its research, MI-LAB will conduct a survey of NAP and MI-LAB alumni regarding their mokuhanga print publications, their other creative work including work with washi paper, their careers in educational fields, and the launch of new studios and residencies. This research will be presented at the Third International Mokuhanga Conference, Hawaii, with a small farewell celebration for Keiko, whose work so profoundly influenced the lives of so many artists, craftspeople and educators.
Written by April Vollmer for MI-LAB Committee Board
For further information about Keiko Kadota’s continuing programs:
Mokuhanga Innovation Laboratory (MI-LAB) residency program: endeavor.or.jp/mi-lab/
International Mokuhanga Conference (IMC2017) Hawaii: mokuhanga.jp/2017/

兵庫県淡路島の長沢アートパーク(NAP)ディレクターとして1997年から2009年の13年に渡る水彩多色摺り木版画制作プログラム並びに2011年から始まった国際木版画ラボ(MI-LAB)での木版画の後継者の育成に伴った彼女の業績は、国際的な木版画制作に関する 理解を高める上で大変重要な存在でした。
MI-LAB プログラムは、これからも引き続きレジデンスプログラムの申請を受入れます。
門田恵子の情熱と献身は深く慕われますが、木版画を通しての国際理解、協力を促進する プログラムは、彼女の遺産としてこれからも引き継がれていく事でしょう。
彼女の業績を祝い、MI-LABは、2017年6月欧州文化首都に指定されたキプロスで開催される展覧会に参加する為の準備をしています。この展示は、MI-LAB と 長沢アートパーク(NAP) の 1997年から2017年の歴史と木版画の国際化の発展の概要に関するものです。
MI-LAB 委員会会員 エイプリル ヴァルマー 書 2017年 3月 門田けい子の継続プログラムの詳細については、
国際木版画ラボ(MI-LAB)滞在制作/レジデンス プログラム:endeavor.or.jp/mi-lab/