In this wide shot video of Shoichi Kitamura’s demonstration, he shows samples of woodblocks and test prints to reveal the differences in representation based on different ways of carving and printing. As he demonstrates how to carve a woodblock with a traditional Japanese carving knife, he will print with the woodblock to reveal the differences in printing. Shoichi Kitamura graduated from the mokuhanga course in the printmaking department at Kyoto Seika University. He studied under Osamu Horita, a carver. He has since participated in Nagasawa Art Park as an instructor. He also has participated in a mokuhanga project at Singapore Tyler Print Institute and had a collaboration with local artists in Melbourne. Thereafter, he opened his own mokuhanga studio in Yamashina, Kyoto, and was engaged in a collaboration with Australian artists. Kitamura has done demonstrations in Japan and overseas. He is a member of the Kyoto Mokuhanga Craftsman Association as well as Vice Branch Chief of the Ukiyo-e Mokuhanga Carving and Printing Preservation Association.